My Dad aged 54 had a stroke.
Its so weird to think that one whole year ago this event happened. I remember being woken up by my mum at around 1am, after my parents had returned home from a late christmas party, and my dad almost home had a stroke. At first he lost his speech, after him and my mum had been joking around and he suddenly couldn't talk. They the left side of his face feel a bit and he lost support of his body. My mum had to help him get home and called 999. I was woken up, and the rest of the night was a blur of tears, the paramedics arrived and my dad was taken to hospital with my mum and a family friend came over to look after me until the morning. In the morning, my mum told my sister what happened and we went to visit my dad in hospital, who was discharged the next day. Since then he's been diagnosed with a hole in his heart and is on multiple drugs to thin his blood. He is also trying to loose weight and has cut down on his alcohol intake.
Anyway, my point is don't take anything for granted, that night a million things went through my mind, and a lot was regret for not listening to my dad at times, arguing, ignoring, and a massive sense of guilt. You don't think that things like this will happen to you, but can do. Please tell your mum, dad, career, friends and family that you love them, even when you feel you hate them, and be kind to friends, people, I know it sounds cheesy but life is so unexpected and this event still scares me just thinking about it. Thank you to everyone who has supported me and my family through this last tough year and my wonderful best friends, thank you so much.