Wednesday, 1 January 2014

New Year's Resolutions

Hi everyone,

A lot of people say that NY resolutions are a bit pointless, and to some degree I agree. I mean, they sound great at first, but in your day-to-day life, the effort to change, which is a natural human instinct to avoid, it can seem pointless and therefore not worth doing.

I therefore am taking it upon myself to set myself 3 resolutions, stick to them, and then on the 31st December 2014 see if I have achieved them, well this should be fun.

1. Love

Not sexually, not even emotionally or verbally, but inside, to love, care, respect others. To not fall out with my friends over stupid matters, to not bitch, to not try and be someone I am not. To love myself, friends, family, appreciate life and love it. To love books, music, food, my appearance, be confident and have a general love for living. It shouldn't be a resolution, but ultimately it is.

2. Collect

Memories, thoughts, decisions. I am going to do this through a few ways, firstly running this blog, writing down my opinions, thoughts, imagination, memories. Secondly through the art of a flash. I shall be taking a lot more photos this year, capturing not only what happened, but where, with who, the feelings felt, emotions spread across faces, smiles, tears and joy. Of course through analogue cameras, my Minolta 500, Minolta 700 and Polaroid camera. Finally through writing. My ambition is to write, the written word, express myself, my opinions, my beliefs, it my world too, so why shouldn't my voice be heard?

3. Work

Year 11 is a difficult year. Not only are you expected to do well in your exams, but as well manage friendship dramas, express yourself, make your mark on your school life, juggle family issues and emotions, but get through it, and if I do, I'll be the strongest I will ever have been, which in a way is terrifying, so much so some days I think how the hell am I going to do it all, but also exciting, finally doing something that will truly impact my life, make a huge difference, and for that I am excited about this part of my life, but also absolutely shitting bricks.

Happy new year one and all, may 2014 be a year for you to remember as the best year yet.

Love Ella

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